From the Top Down: Medical Staff Stand on Hospital Rooftops to Pray over Patients and Families

Danny Rodriguez, Senior ER tech, Jackson South Medical Center

Danny Rodriguez, Senior ER tech, Jackson South Medical Center

Nurses and doctors from Jackson Health in Miami along with hospitals across the country are taking much needed prayer breaks. A few minutes before a shift helps keep them in the right mind to before literally walking into what some have deemed a war zone. Our healthcare workers are on the front lines enduring overwhelming levels of stress met with fatigue, frustration, grief, death, and uncertainty. Yet, there is a consciousness of hope, a pulling that awakens their faith to arise in the midst of the graveness around them.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

It’s easy and even without thought to rejoice and give thanks in circumstances that lean toward our favor. But even when the facts are grim, morale is low, can we dig from a place of praise to God. It’s hard. But I challenge you to praise God, anyway. Lean on your history with God. You know God for who He is, not just for what He’s done. Let’s not forget the goodness of our Lord. Pray in all this, God continues to sustain, strengthen and get the glory. God is God on our good days and still so on our bad days.

Read the full story about the praying nurses and doctors of Jackson Health and other hospitals around the country on CBS News!